Nyc gay pride 2019 body painting

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MEET OUR 2019 LGBTQIA+ NYC PRIDE MARCH GRAND MARSHALS In 2018, we were joined by over 550 unique marching contingents, representing a vast array of non-profits, community organizations, corporate sponsors, small businesses, political candidates and activists! With over 100 floats making the trek along the route, last year’s March was one of the largest and most exciting in history. The March is a celebration of our lives and our community.

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Over the years, its purpose has broadened to include recognition of the fight against AIDS and to remember those we have lost to illness, violence and neglect.

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Organizers say on their website “The first March was held in 1970 and has since become an annual civil rights demonstration. People from around the world came to New York City to celebrate. The 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion was on Friday, June 28th, 2019. New York City – Today was the NYC Pride March.

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